Children’s Ministry

At Grace Church, the Lord has blessed us with many wonderful children and has communicated clearly the need to come alongside our families as they walk with Him, fulfilling their roles as Godly parents. Within the workings of any ministry to the children, it is our mission to:


1. Present clearly to each and every child their need for the Savior, Jesus Christ.

2. To help the children to begin to see God's Word as a whole and His redemptive plan throughout His Word and history.

3. To help the children see faith and the Savior at work in the lives of people both in the past and now in our own lives.

4. To help the children see that they are the church in service to Jesus and how to walk in right relationship with Him.


"...the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."  1 Timothy 1:5


Children's Discipleship Opportunities include:

Parenting: We do not intend this to be a sarcastic comment, but a gentle reminder to us and every parent that we have a responsibility to impress upon our children's hearts the things of God (Deut 6:4-9). Everyday provides us with such an opportunity.